Have you ever wondered how much your
rent was costing you? Use the chart below to see how
much you could have been paying towards your new home
versus paying off your landlord's apartment building!! |
Years Rented |
2 |
4 |
5 |
10 |
15 |
20 |
30 |
Monthly |
Rent |
300 |
7,200 |
14,400 |
18,000 |
36,000 |
54,000 |
72,000 |
108,000 |
350 |
8,400 |
16,800 |
21,000 |
42,000 |
63,000 |
84,000 |
126,000 |
400 |
9,600 |
19,200 |
24,000 |
48,000 |
72,000 |
96,000 |
144,000 |
450 |
10,800 |
21,600 |
27,000 |
54,000 |
81,000 |
108,000 |
162,000 |
500 |
12,000 |
24,000 |
30,000 |
60,000 |
90,000 |
120,000 |
180,000 |
600 |
14,400 |
28,800 |
36,000 |
72,000 |
108,000 |
144,000 |
216,000 |
700 |
16,800 |
33,600 |
42,000 |
84,000 |
126,000 |
168,000 |
252,000 |
800 |
19,200 |
38,400 |
48,000 |
96,000 |
144,000 |
192,000 |
288,000 |
900 |
21,600 |
43,200 |
54,000 |
108,000 |
162,000 |
216,000 |
324,000 |
1000 |
24,000 |
48,000 |
60,000 |
120,000 |
180,000 |
240,000 |
360,000 |
And when you leave, what do you have? |
Not having enough on-hand cash today
is the least of your problems! In certain circumstances
we can contribute or provide a non-refundable source
for most of the necessary funds
to cover down payment and closing costs. Please advise
us as to how we can help! |
Harry R.
Deter, President
Cell - 432-894-1771
Fax - 432-520-FAXX |
An Equal Housing Builder
Homes, Inc.
1400 N. Loop 250 W
P.O. Box 80939
Midland, Texas 79708 |