• Copies of:  (can be copied at mortgage company office during loan application)
    A. Social Security Card
    B. Driver's License
    C. Last 2 years Income Tax Returns, including w-2's
    D. Last pay stub(s)
    E. Last months bank statment(s) showing:

    Any place you HAVE money and/or income, such as:
    Checking, saving, retirement accounts, Social Security, injury benefits, if applicable child support, stocks, bonds, ect.

    Any place you OWE money such as:
    Child care, child support, credit card accounts, car loans, student loans, medical bills, ect.
  • Complete history of past 24 consecutive months for:
    Residence: Name, address, phone number of all landlord(s)/mortgage company
    Employment: Name, address, and phone numbers for all employer(s)
  • If joint application, information will need to be submitted for both parties.
  • Quickie estimate as to total value of all personal possessions
  • Divorce Decree(s), If Applicable
  • Bankruptcy discharge papers, If Applicable
  • Hand written and dated letters of explanation addressing, If Applicable
     Any and all derogatory information showing on credit report including, but not limited to:

    1. Each item reported 30 or more days past due.
    2. Charge-offs
    3. Foreclosures
    4. Bankruptcies
  • Veterans also need to bring:
    1. DD214
    2. Certificate of Eligibility

Harry R. Deter, President
Cell - 432-894-1771
Fax - 432-520-FAXX

An Equal Housing Builder

Key Homes, Inc.
1400 N. Loop 250 W
P.O. Box 80939
Midland, Texas 79708

COPYRIGHT© 2003 Key Homes, Inc.